Shipping Containers Converted into Exhibition

converted shipping containers exhibition stand
Converted Shipping Containers in New Exhibition.

Pop-up exhibition for new and young artists using shipping containers

Built entirely from converted shipping containers, The Arthouse Revolution will be display exhibits in Rotorua and Tauranga NZ. Creative director Fraser Toulmin said the shipping container was used because it was mobile and self-sufficient versatile option when considering construction options. Mr Toulmin did research into containers and looked such as those used in retail and art galleries.

Besides the environmental benefit to building shipping containers are modular, stackable and very adaptable. They have been converted into everything from restaurants in London to computer labs in New Zealand. Converted Shipping Container Structures can be disassembled, moved and reassembled elsewhere with relative ease.

The structures also reduce construction time which is a bonus for any stakeholder. The gallery will also be in Tauranga for the Arts Festival from October 19 to 29, 2017.

Visit our container conversions page page to find out more about our services. Or call us on 0044 (0) 1606 272875 to speak to a member of staff.

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